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Heroes and Villains: A Cabaret

10th March 2016, The Station

Whether you’re a Wicked Witch or a Jean Valjean, there’s something for everyone in the MTB spring cabaret: Heroes and Villains. After the roaring success of 'Lights, Music, Action!', MTB is back with another belting cabaret, this time exploring the good and the evil side of musicals.


Nathan Sames

Chris Georgiou

Yasemin Gezer

Beatrice Born

Merryl Ansah

Jack Reitman

Sion Mattey

Alice Tyler

Aliak Bedirian

Seun Oyeleye

Harry Nicholson

Joe Pickin

Elle Illingworth


Director - Alex Stephenson
Musical Director - Eleanor Leaper
Producer - Ben Skingsley

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